vrijdag 5 april 2024

A Comprehensive Guide for e-Factura) in Romania via ANAF


Do you feel prepared to dominate the world of electronic invoicing in Romania?

Stop your search now! We proudly present our "E-factura in Romania Crash Course" video, the perfect resource to prepare you for the compulsory e-invoicing revolution. This captivating video will feature my professional knowledge and offer a comprehensive, easy-to-follow tutorial on mastering the updated fiscal reporting procedures.

In this video, you will learn about the significance of e-factura and the requirement for real-time reporting in phase one. Additionally, I will guide you through the steps of acquiring the required certificates and enrolling in the SPV space. The video is filled with valuable insights and practical measures that will equip you to stay ahead in the industry.

A comprehensive manual for investing in e-Invoice in Romania

Don't pass up on this crucial manual! Enroll today on my YouTube channel to receive special entry to this transformative intensive course. Make a smart investment in your future accomplishments and unleash the possibilities of electronic invoicing in Romania. Prepare to leave your mark in this modern age of financial documentation. Come join us now! #e-factura #e-invoicing #investinRomania #investmentinRomania #investitii

To learn about e-Factura, click on the following link: https://youtu.be/gxzs6Jnnzkg

donderdag 29 februari 2024

Nieuwe richtlijnen en boetes voor Roemeense B2B e-factureringsregeling voor 2024


Het B2B e-factureringsregime in Roemenië ondergaat veranderingen met de implementatie van nieuwe regelgeving en sancties. De lancering zal in twee fasen plaatsvinden, gepland voor 2024. De onlangs uitgevaardigde noodverordening 115/2023 van de regering heeft verschillende wijzigingen ingevoerd, zoals vrijstellingen voor vereenvoudigde facturen, export, niet-ingezeten partijen en B2C-transacties. Bovendien is de termijn voor het opleggen van boetes verlengd tot juli 2024. Dit artikel geeft een diepgaande analyse van de e-factureringsregeling in Roemenië, met inbegrip van de opstartfasen, vereisten, boetes en de handleiding voor gebruikers die door het ministerie van Financiën is uitgebracht.

Stap 1: Snelle rapportage (januari 2024 - juni 2024) voor B2B e-facturering in Roemenië

Vanaf januari 2024 gaat de eerste fase van het Roemeense B2B e-factureringssysteem van start, waarbij de nadruk ligt op het snel rapporteren van binnenlandse leveringen. Binnen dit tijdsbestek moeten bedrijven hun facturen binnen vijf werkdagen na uitgifte in XML-formaat indienen, naast de standaard papieren factuur. Deze rapportage zal plaatsvinden op de Virtual Private Space (SPV) binnen het RO e-factuursysteem. Het is belangrijk om op te merken dat deze verplichting alleen geldt voor binnenlandse leveringen en dat er uitzonderingen zijn voor export en intracommunautaire leveringen.

Om een naadloze overgang te bevorderen, heeft de Roemeense regering besloten om tot 31 maart 2024 geen boetes op te leggen voor niet-naleving. Deze periode van clementie geeft bedrijven de kans om zich aan te passen aan het nieuwe rapportagesysteem en te zorgen voor naleving zonder de extra druk van onmiddellijke gevolgen. Niettemin is het noodzakelijk dat bedrijven zich op de hoogte stellen van de bijgewerkte regelgeving en zo snel mogelijk beginnen met het doorvoeren van de vereiste aanpassingen.

Stap 2: Vroegtijdige indiening van elektronische facturen (juli 2024) voor B2B e-facturering in Roemenië

De volledige implementatie van de tweede fase van het Roemeense B2B e-factureringsregime is gepland voor juli 2024. Als onderdeel van deze fase moeten bedrijven vooraf goedgekeurde elektronische facturen indienen via het eFactură platform. Papieren facturen zullen niet langer als geldig worden beschouwd voor de naleving van de belastingwetgeving. Om aan de regelgeving te voldoen, moeten facturen in het CIUS_RO formaat, dat is gebaseerd op UBL 2.1 of CIN formaat, naar het overheidsportaal worden gestuurd voor goedkeuring. De ingediende facturen ondergaan basisvalidatieprocedures om de nauwkeurigheid en juiste opmaak te garanderen.

Er moet worden opgemerkt dat de noodzaak voor overheidscontroles vooraf mogelijk wordt afgeschaft tegen januari 2026 om samen te vallen met de voorgestelde ViDA-vereiste (VAT Information Exchange System) om overheidscontroles vooraf volledig af te schaffen tegen 2028. Deze mogelijke wijziging sluit aan bij de wereldwijde beweging in de richting van onmiddellijke rapportering of voorlopige verkoopfacturen die aan de belastingautoriteiten worden voorgelegd voor documentatie en fundamentele verificatieprocessen.

Boetes en uitzonderingen**

Roemenië heeft gevolgen ingevoerd voor niet-naleving van het nieuwe B2B e-facturatiesysteem. Om bedrijven echter genoeg tijd te geven om zich aan te passen, is de termijn voor boetes verlengd tot juli 2024. Het is noodzakelijk dat bedrijven de mogelijke boetes voor niet-naleving begrijpen en proactief stappen ondernemen om aan de bijgewerkte regelgeving te voldoen.

In een poging om het e-facturatieproces te stroomlijnen en de lasten voor bedrijven te verminderen, zijn er verschillende vrijstellingen geïmplementeerd. Dit omvat vereenvoudigde facturen voor goederen en diensten, evenals voor export, niet-ingezeten tegenpartijen en B2C-transacties, die allemaal zijn vrijgesteld van de e-factureringsvereisten. Deze vrijstellingen werden ingevoerd met de bedoeling het algemene proces te vereenvoudigen.

Handleiding voor gebruikers

Het Roemeense Ministerie van Financiën heeft een gebruikersgids uitgebracht om bedrijven te helpen bij het begrijpen en uitvoeren van de nieuwe regelgeving voor e-facturatie. De gids bevat instructies over registratie, toegang tot het e-facturatiesysteem, het gebruik van de gratis factureringsapplicatie, het maken van XML-facturen, het downloaden van facturen, het converteren naar PDF, archivering, veelgestelde vragen en andere relevante details. Bedrijven wordt aangeraden deze gids te raadplegen voor een naadloze overgang naar het vernieuwde e-facturatiesysteem.

EU-autorisatie en wettelijke goedkeuring

Het B2B-regime voor e-facturering in Roemenië heeft groen licht gekregen van zowel het parlement als de president door de goedkeuring van de noodzakelijke wetgeving. Daarnaast heeft de Raad van de Europese Unie Roemenië gemachtigd om verplichte binnenlandse elektronische btw-facturering in te voeren vanaf 1 januari 2024. Deze machtiging was cruciaal omdat Roemenië hierdoor kon afwijken van specifieke artikelen van de btw-richtlijn van de EU die de implementatie van door de overheid verplichte e-facturering beperken. Roemenië heeft deze machtiging voor het eerst aangevraagd in 2022, met het oorspronkelijke plan om in juli van datzelfde jaar van start te gaan.

Daarnaast heeft de Europese Unie een voorstel gedaan om lidstaten vanaf januari 2023 geen toestemming meer te laten vragen als ze afwijken van de richtlijnen van de EU btw-richtlijn met betrekking tot e-facturering. Deze voorstellen maken deel uit van de initiatieven voor BTW in het digitale tijdperk met als doel een rechtvaardiger en effectiever belastingstelsel binnen de EU.

De evolutie van B2B e-facturatie in Roemenië

In een proactieve poging om frauduleuze activiteiten te voorkomen, heeft Roemenië maatregelen genomen om fraude in specifieke sectoren aan te pakken. Tegen juli 2022 heeft de belastingdienst van het land, ANAF (Agenției Naționale de Administrare Fiscală), het gebruik van B2B e-facturering verplicht gesteld in kwetsbare sectoren, waaronder groenten, fruit, wortels, eetbare knollen, andere eetbare planten, alcoholische dranken, minerale producten, nieuwbouw, kleding en schoeisel. Het hoofddoel van deze eerste implementatie was het bestrijden van belastingontduiking en het bevorderen van transparantie binnen deze sectoren.

Roemenië heeft onlangs een systeem ingevoerd dat e-transport heet en vergelijkbaar is met de e-Way Bill van Hongarije en India, naast e-facturatie. Dit systeem, ook bekend als het elektronisch goederenverkeerregister, verplicht bedrijven om hun risicovolle goederenbewegingen aan te geven via een door de ANAF ingediend XML-document. De uitrol van e-transport is gestart op 1 juli 2022.

E-facturering in Roemenië en de EU: Vooruitblik

Het B2B e-factureringssysteem in Roemenië is een cruciale stap om de belastingstelsels te moderniseren en belastingontwijking aan te pakken. Door de implementatie van elektronische facturen vooraf en de vaststelling van consequenties voor niet-naleving probeert Roemenië de belastingprocedures te vereenvoudigen en de verantwoordingsplicht te vergroten.

De EU onderneemt momenteel stappen om de regels voor digitale rapportage en doorlopende transactiecontroles tussen haar lidstaten te harmoniseren. Dit proces, dat in 2028 afgerond moet zijn, heeft als doel om een meer gestroomlijnd en consistent belastingstelsel in de hele EU te creëren.

Kortom, bedrijven die actief zijn in Roemenië moeten zich informeren over de onlangs geïmplementeerde regelgeving voor B2B e-facturatie en beginnen met de voorbereidingen. Door de fasen, criteria, gevolgen en vrijstellingen te begrijpen, kunnen bedrijven een naadloze overgang naar het vernieuwde systeem garanderen. Het raadplegen van de handleiding die door het Ministerie van Financiën is uitgegeven, is van onschatbare waarde tijdens deze overgangsperiode. Uiteindelijk laat de toewijding van Roemenië aan e-facturatie zien dat het de naleving van de belastingwetgeving wil verbeteren en een transparanter zakenlandschap wil creëren.

Contacteer frjacobs@telenet.be


woensdag 31 januari 2024

Setting Up an LLC in ROMANIA for Foreign Citizens

Are you a foreign citizen interested in starting a business in Romania, but the PFA legal structure does not suit your requirements? You may want to consider forming an LLC instead. Below are the necessary criteria for establishing an LLC as a non-resident.

Is it possible for non-natives to establish a business in Romania?

If you possess a strong concept and strategy, you are able to establish a company in Romania, regardless of your nationality. All you need to do is identify the suitable legal structure and adhere to the necessary procedure for establishment.

What are the reasons for starting a business in Romania?

Non-residents can enjoy various advantages, including a more favorable tax system in comparison to Western Europe, reduced wages for both virtual and physical assistants, and a minimal tax rate of 1% for micro-enterprises.

What are the benefits of selecting an LLC?

To elevate your business, opting for an LLC (limited liability company) could be the ideal choice. The following reasons support this statement: no specialized knowledge is necessary to form an SRL, individuals from both Romanian and foreign backgrounds (from EU and non-EU nations) are eligible to establish it, it permits the use of multiple CAEN codes, and the number of employees can be increased.

Requirements for forming an LLC as a non-citizen:

As stated in article 3 of GEO 44/2008, it is possible to establish an SRL in Romania even as a non-resident. The only conditions to be met are being at least 18 years old, having a clean record of complying with financial laws, and having a registered office.

Guide on setting up an LLC as a non-citizen:

The process is identical for both Romanian citizens and legal representatives. It is necessary to have a registered office in Romania and to apply for registration and authorization to operate. Additionally, CAEN codes must be selected and a company name must be chosen.

To avoid the bureaucratic hassle, you also have the option to reach out to us directly at frjacobs@telenet.be.

More articles on www.pbsworldwide.com

More articles on www.investromania.be

maandag 11 december 2023

Business Center in Romania

Why Romania's Business Center is the Perfect Hub for Entrepreneurs Seeking Flexibility


Our Business Center in Romania is a great option for entrepreneurs and businesses of all sizes. Offering flexible office solutions, easy access to important links such as banks, accountants, and state institutions, and nearly 20 years of experience, our Business Center is an ideal choice.

Benefits of Establishing Your Company in a Business Center include flexibility, cost reduction, and various room sizes that are more affordable than private offices. Additionally, you can access corporate services like meeting room rentals, reception services, and courier services without having to worry about additional costs like electricity, water, and security.

For foreign clients, our Business Center provides the fastest and simplest option for setting up Romanian companies at competitive fees. Our team of professional lawyers is dedicated to guiding you through the process and ensuring all legal requirements are met.

We also provide comprehensive management services, including company address rental, accounting, and legal support so you can focus on growing your business.

In conclusion, our Business Center in Romania offers flexible and efficient workspace solutions that allow you to concentrate on the success of your business.

contact : frjacobs@telenet.be

More articles on www.pbsworldwide.com

More articles on www.investromania.be

donderdag 20 juli 2023

Setting up a company in Romania

For company creation mail frjacobs@telenet.be

As a foreign investor interested in opening a company in Romania, it's essential to understand the process of setting up a new enterprise and the steps you need to follow. This comprehensive guide will provide you with the necessary information to establish your business in Romania successfully.

Overview of the advantages of setting up a company in Romania

The primary advantage of setting up a company in Romania is the relatively low administrative costs compared to other countries. Opening a business in Romania carries low costs, as you don't have to pay a lot for any official fees and taxes. Additionally, the process of company registration in Romania is simplified and can be completed in less than three months.

The process of setting up a company in Romania

Opening a company in Romania involves a three-step process:

Step 1. Obtaining the license

In this step, you'll complete the documentation for establishing a legal entity. You can obtain an official license once the following conditions are met:

You have an idea for the company

You have a project proposal

You have a business plan

You have the capital you will use to operate the company

You have a responsible management team

You have the appropriate office space

Step 2. Completing the registration

After obtaining the license, the next step is to register the company at the notary or the registrar. You will complete the following procedures to register a new company:

Submit the business information

Specify the type of company (limited liability or private)

Specify the activity of the company

Specify the name of the company

Specify the address of the company

Enter the data of the company management

List the partners of the company

Step 3. Keeping the company records

In the last step, you will perform the required company activities, including the formation of the company's management, the appointment of the company's main members, the creation of a company bank account, and the organization of an annual general meeting.

Requirements and steps for company registration in Romania

To register a company in Romania, you should meet the following requirements:

An idea for the company

A project proposal

A business plan

The capital you will use to operate the company

A responsible management team

The appropriate office space

To register a company, you must provide certain documentation to the notary or the registrar. You can find the address of the registrar on the registrar's website. You will also find the address of the notary on the notary's website. You can register a company in Romania using the following methods:

Register a company by filing a paper

Register a company by using a computer program

Company taxation in Romania

The Romanian tax administration determines the taxes to be paid by taxpayers. Taxes cover a range of issues, such as income tax, value-added tax, social security contributions, and so on. The income tax is a percentage of the profits gained by a company. It is calculated according to the type of company:

Corporation is taxed at 16%

Dividends are taxed at 8%

According to the tax administration, the company tax rate in Romania is very low. In fact, the tax rate is lower than the average income level in Romania. The low company tax offers corporations a low tax burden, allowing them to invest more money or create more jobs. Moreover, setting up a company in Romania provides the benefit of tax incentives and subsidies.

The timeline for creating a company in Romania

The registration process of a company in Romania is speedy. You can register a company in one day or one week. Registration can be completed in less than three months or up to six months. In Romania, there are no long-term obligations, allowing you to register a company in just a few days or months.

Sources of financing for company creation in Romania

When opening a company in Romania, you can receive funds from the following sources:

Banking sources: You can obtain a loan from a bank, credit union, or a foreign bank. You can also get a direct loan from a Romanian bank.

Insurance sources: You can obtain an insurance policy from an insurance company or acquire credit insurance.

Funds for investment: You can acquire investment funds from an investment company or obtain funds from family and friends.

Stock sources: You can purchase shares on the market

Tips for setting up a successful company in Romania

To set up a successful company in Romania, consider the following tips:

Find information about the company on the internet or in law books

Ensure your company complies with Romanian laws

Make sure your company is a good investment

In conclusion, setting up a company in Romania as a foreigner is a straightforward process with numerous advantages.

More articles on www.pbsworldwide.com

More articles on www.investromania.be

woensdag 7 juni 2023

Recruiting and hiring electricians in Romania: A Comprehensive Guide

 Romania's electricians are a valuable asset to businesses seeking skilled professionals in various industries. These experts design, assemble, install, and maintain electrical systems and machinery in commercial, industrial, and domestic environments. With a wide range of sectors and specialties, Romanian electricians are well-equipped to handle diverse electrical challenges. This article delves into the benefits of recruiting electricians in Romania, the various sectors, and the recruitment process.

For more info mail frjacobs@telenet.be

The Demand for Electricians in Romania

The demand for electricians in Romania is growing, as companies from various industries seek skilled professionals to fill diverse roles. From installation electricians to maintenance electricians and electrotechnical panel builders, there is no shortage of opportunities for those looking to advance their careers in the electrical field.

Why Electricians in Romania?

Romanian electricians are highly sought after for several reasons. They are well-trained, possessing the technical expertise and professionalism that employers value. With a low rate of resignations and high levels of dedication, Romanian electricians are known for their commitment to their jobs. This makes them an attractive choice for businesses in search of reliable, skilled employees.

The Expertise of Romanian Electricians: Key Skill Sets and Specialties

Romanian electricians possess a diverse range of skills, making them suitable for various industries and roles. Some of the key areas of expertise include:

Installation Electricians

These professionals are responsible for installing power systems, lighting, fire protection, security, and data-network systems in all types of buildings.

Maintenance Electricians

These electricians focus on checking systems to ensure they're working efficiently and safely. They also carry out regular maintenance tasks to prolong the life of electrical equipment.

Electrotechnical Panel Builders

These specialists create and install control panels to operate the electrical systems inside buildings, ensuring seamless integration and functionality.

Machine Repair and Rewind Electricians

These experts fix and maintain electrical motors and transformers, ensuring optimal performance and minimizing downtime.

Highway Systems Electricians

These professionals install and maintain street lighting and traffic management systems, contributing to safe and efficient transportation infrastructure.

Exploring the Various Sectors for Electrician Jobs in Romania

Romanian electricians can be found working across multiple industries, including:

  • Construction and Infrastructure
  • Manufacturing and Production
  • Energy and Utilities
  • Telecommunications and Networking
  • Logistics
  • Residential and Commercial Services

Within these industries, electricians connect wiring and lighting, troubleshoot problems, repair electrical components, and maintain automated machinery. They also install computer networks and technology, such as data, voice, and video wiring.

The Recruitment Process: How to Find the Right Electricians in Romania

To ensure a successful hiring process, companies should utilize a robust recruitment methodology that addresses common concerns, such as candidates lacking the hands-on technical skills required for their roles.

Contract, Contract-to-Hire, Direct Placement, and Managed Resources

When looking to hire electricians in Romania, companies have several options, including contract, contract-to-hire, direct placement, and managed resources basis. By tailoring the recruitment process to meet specific needs, businesses can quickly and effectively find top professionals who are ready to hit the ground running.

Recruitment Methodology

A well-developed recruitment methodology is crucial to overcome challenges in finding suitable candidates. This process should include:

  • Job Analysis: Conduct a thorough analysis of the job requirements to create a clear and detailed job description.
  • Sourcing: Use various channels, such as job boards, social media, and recruitment agencies, to reach a wide pool of potential candidates.
  • Screening: Implement a rigorous screening process to assess candidates' skills, qualifications, and experience.
  • Interviewing: Conduct structured interviews to evaluate candidates' technical and interpersonal skills, as well as their cultural fit within the organization.
  • Testing: Administer relevant technical tests and assessments to ensure that candidates possess the required hands-on skills.
  • Reference Checks: Perform reference checks to verify candidates' previous employment history and obtain feedback from former employers.
  • Offer and Negotiation: Present a competitive offer and negotiate terms to secure the best talent.
  • Onboarding: Provide a comprehensive onboarding process to help new hires integrate into the company and become productive team members.

Challenges and Solutions in Recruiting Romanian Electricians

While there are many advantages to recruiting electricians in Romania, the process can also present some challenges. Here are some common issues and potential solutions:

Language Barrier

Solution: Ensure that candidates possess the necessary language skills for their roles, and provide language training if needed.

Cultural Differences

Solution: Offer cross-cultural training and support to help new hires adapt to their new work environment and team.

The Benefits of Recruiting Electricians in Romania

In conclusion, recruiting electricians in Romania offers numerous benefits to both companies and job seekers. The country's skilled professionals, low resignation rates, and dedication to their roles make Romanian electricians an excellent choice for businesses seeking top talent. By utilizing a robust recruitment methodology and addressing potential challenges, companies can effectively tap into Romania's electrical talent and bolster their teams with skilled professionals.

Roll Call for Handy Electricians!

Keeping electricity running in large buildings is no easy task. If you need a good electrician, Romania is the perfect destination for finding qualified professionals. Whether you're searching for installation electricians, maintenance electricians, or electrotechnical panel builders, Romania has a wealth of talent to offer. Don't hesitate to contact us for assistance in finding the right electrician for your needs.

Final Thoughts

Romania's thriving electrical industry presents a wealth of opportunities for businesses and job seekers alike. With a diverse range of skill sets and specialties, Romanian electricians are well-equipped to handle the electrical challenges of various industries. By leveraging a robust recruitment methodology and addressing potential challenges, companies can successfully tap into Romania's electrical talent and enhance their teams with skilled professionals.

For more info mail frjacobs@telenet.be

More articles on www.pbsworldwide.com

More articles on www.investromania.be

donderdag 1 juni 2023


 Disciplinary misconduct is an act related to work, consisting of an action or inaction committed by the employee. This violated legal norms or internal regulations, the provisions of the individual employment contract, the applicable collective labor agreement, the orders and legal provisions of the hierarchical leaders.

The disciplinary sanctions applicable to employees are described in Article 248 of the Labor Code, namely:

1. Written warning (the only measure that can be applied without prior disciplinary investigation);

2. Relegation from office, with the award of the salary corresponding to the position in which the relegation was ordered, for a period not exceeding 60 days;

3. Reduction of the basic salary for a period of 1-3 months by 5-10%;

4. Reduction of the basic salary and / or, as the case may be, and of the management allowance for a period of 1-3 months by 5-10%;

5. Disciplinary termination of the individual employment contract.

The stages of the disciplinary research procedure are:

  • Preparation of the report on committing the disciplinary offense;
  • Preparation of the act of appointment of the disciplinary research commission (usually composed of 3 members)
  • Preparation of the employee's summons, specifying the object, date, time and place of the meeting;
  • Preparation of an explanatory note and listening to the employee;
  • Preparation of the minutes of completion of the preliminary disciplinary investigation;
  • Issuing a sanctioning decision by the employer, without being obliged to necessarily take into account the sanctioning proposal of the preliminary disciplinary investigation commission.

According to article 252 of the Labor Code, the provisions regarding the application of disciplinary sanctions are:

1. The employer shall order the application of the disciplinary sanction by a written decision, within 30 calendar days from the date of becoming aware of the disciplinary offense, but not later than 6 months from the date of the act.

2. Under the sanction of absolute nullity, the decision must include:

a. Description of the deed that constitutes a disciplinary violation;

b. Specifying the provisions from the staff statute, the internal regulation, the individual employment contract or the applicable collective labor contract that have been violated by the employee;

c. The reasons why the defenses made by the employee during the preliminary disciplinary investigation were removed or the reasons why, under the conditions set out in Article 251 (3), the investigation was not carried out;

d. The legal basis on which the disciplinary sanction is applied;

e. The term in which the sanction can be challenged;

f. The competent court to which the sanction can be challenged.

3. The sanctioning decision shall be communicated to the employee within 5 calendar days from the date of issue and shall take effect from the date of communication.

4. The communication shall be handed over personally to the employee, with a signature of receipt, or in case of refusal of receipt, by registered letter, at the domicile or residence communicated by him.

5. The sanctioning decision may be challenged by the employee before the competent courts within 30 calendar days from the date of communication.

Therefore, the disciplinary investigation comprises the following steps to be included in the rules of procedure:

1. Initiation of preliminary disciplinary investigation

2. Appointment of the preliminary disciplinary investigation commission

3. Convening the employee

4. Carrying out preliminary disciplinary research

5. Completion of the preliminary disciplinary investigation

At this stage, the disciplinary investigation commission will draw up an investigation report in which it will be specified if the act committed by the employee is classified as a disciplinary violation, as well as the sanctioning proposals.

The research report must also mention:

  • Description of the deed committed by the employee in connection with the work and which consists in an action or inaction committed with guilt by him and the reason why the deed was classified as a disciplinary offense;
  • Specifying the provisions of the internal regulation, the individual employment contract or the applicable collective labor contract that were violated by the employee, correlated, as the case may be, with the provisions of the work instructions, internal decisions, other specific documents violated / not respected by the employee;
  • The reasons for which the defenses formulated by the employee during the preliminary disciplinary investigation were removed or the reasons for which the investigation was not carried out;
  • The sanctioning proposal and the legal basis under which the disciplinary sanction is applied (the article in the internal regulation, corroborated with the article in Law 53/2003 republished in the Labor Code, based on which the disciplinary sanction is applied).

The concept of delisting the disciplinary sanction should also be mentioned. A disciplinary sanction not followed by another sanction for a period longer than 12 months shall be deemed to be canceled. This will be materialized in a written decision issued by the employer.

Therefore, if we have at least 12 months between one offense and another offense, we cannot discuss successive disciplinary offenses.

More info mail frjacobs@telenet.be